Lesson Ten


(Psa. 118:22-24; Luke 24:1.7; Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:I-2; Rev. 1:9)

Burden to Impart:

The first four commandments only deal with our relationship with God. The fifth commandment deals both with our relationship with God and man. This is because although we were brought into existence by our parents, our source is actually God (Luke 3:38). He is the Father of every family (Eph. 3:14-15) and the One who gave each child to its parents (Gen. 33:5; 48:9). If we do not honor our father and our mother we do not honor God Himself

Memory Verse:

"Honor your father and mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you" (Exodus 20:12).

Facts to Teach:

  1. The first five commandments are one group. They all use the divine title "the Lord your God." Each commandment in this first group has something to do with God. Although the fifth commandment is the first one which talks about our relationship with man (our parents) it is actually dealing with something deeper than merely our relationship with our parents; it is dealing with our relationship with God.
  2. God alone is to be worshipped by man, but our parents are to be "honored." To honor our parents is to hold them in high regard and to give them much respect. To honor our parents is to remember that actually God Himself is our source.
    1. By tracing our origin (have the children make a family tree) we can see that the source of us all is God (Luke 3:23, 38).
    2. Although God is our source, our parents are the means through which God brought us into this world. God selected our parents and formed us within the womb of our mother (Psa. 139:13). If we dishonor the ones whom God selected to bring us into this world we also dishonor the One who selected them; God.
    3. Children are given to their parents by God (Gen. 33:5; 48:9). So we see that God Himself decided which children to give to each parent. He left no room for accidents or errors. He Himself decided on each arrangement for His chosen ones.
  3. God is actually the "Father" of every family (Eph. 3:14-15). He is the source, planner, and arranger of every family. To honor our father and mother is to accept God's arrangement and wisdom. To not honor our father and mother is to dishonor the One who ordained that we should be born of them and placed under their responsibility to take care of us. (See Life-study of Exodus #51.)