Lesson Eleven


(Psa. 118:22-24; Luke 24:1.7; Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:I-2; Rev. 1:9)

Burden to Impart:

We honor our parents by having an inward attitude of respect toward them. We show our love toward our parents by honoring-them. To obey our parents is right, but to honor them is what God desires. By honoring our parents we honor God Himself, who gave us our parents.

Memory Verse:

"Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise: that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth" (Ephesians 6:2-3).

Facts to Teach:

  1. In the previous lesson we saw how honoring our parents is related to our relationship with God. We will now look at how honoring our parents is also related to our relationship with others.
  2. The first commandment dealing with how we should treat others has to do with how we treat our parents. Because God is a loving God He wants us to express Him in all of our human relationships, the first of which is with our parents. If we are wrong in our attitude and relationship with our parents the foundation for our relationships with others is defective and will affect all other relationships (with siblings, friends, teachers, bosses, spouses, etc.).
  3. The meaning of honoring our father and mother:
    1. Paul charged the children to "obey your parents" for "this is right" (Eph. 6:3). However, he continued on to say that they should "honor" them also (v. 2). To honor is more than to obey. To obey is Outward and is seen in the action. To honor is inward and is a matter of our attitude and feeling.
    2. Surely disobedience dishonors our parents, for it ignores their words of instruction to us. However, even obedience does not honor our parents if it does not come from a respectful attitude. By honoring our parents we show our love toward them.
    3. To honor our parents is to honor God who gave us our parents. (See the example of the Lord Jesus in Luke 2:51a, 52.)
  4. The blessing promised to children who obey and honor their parents: (Eph. 6:1-3; Col.3:20)
    1. it may be well with you - protection, peace joy in this life
    2. live long on the earth' - God is the one who measures our days He promises a long life to those who honor their parents.
    3. "this is well pleasing in the Lord" - God is well pleased.
    4. God desires to bless each child. We should desire God's blessing.