Lesson Seven


(Matt. 6:9; Rom. 10:13; Isa. 12:4; Psa. 18:3)

Burden to Impart:

Only we, the Lord's children, truly know how precious and dear is the Lord's name. His name is above every name on earth and in heaven (Phil. 2:9). We should never use His dear name m a vain way. We should pray that His name would be sanctified and exalted in all the earth. We should believe in His name, call upon His name, bless His name, and love His name. Glory to His name!

Memory Verse: "Every tongue should openly confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father" (Philippians 2:11).

Facts to Teach:

  1. There is only one name under heaven given among men by which we can be saved: the name of the only Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
  2. God's enemy, the Devil, hates His name (Rev. 13:6) and will use all means to keep His name from being known to man (Acts 4:18).
  3. For this reason the Lord taught His disciples, those who loved and followed Him, to firstly pray that God's name would be sanctified on the earth (Matt. 6:9, as it already is in heaven). This means that His name would be made known as the most special and unique name on earth among all nations and peoples.
  4. When a person hears of the Lord Jesus and believes in His name he is born of God and becomes a child of God. How blessed to believe in His name!
  5. As God's people we should not be those who use His name in vain, rather we should bless and give thanks to His name (Psa. 96:2; 100:4).
  6. In order to enjoy the Lord and His ever available salvation we can call upon His name (Rom. 10:13; Isa. 12:4). As we call upon His name out loud, whether loudly or softly, we know He is very near to us (Psa. 145:18). As we call upon His name we are protected from all of our enemies (Psa. 18:3). Oh, Lord Jesus!
  7. As God's people and dear children we should be those who love His name (Psa. 5:11), even sweetly calling Him, "Abba, Father!"