Lesson Eight


(Exo. 20:8-11; Gem 2:1o3)

Burden to Impart:

God commanded man to remember the Sabbath and to keep it holy so that man would remember that he was created by God and for God. God would also surely take care of man's needs. Man should not work slavishly seven days a week for himself and forget his God. This would be to forget the purpose for which he was created.

Memory Verse:

"Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy" (Exodus 20:8).

Facts to Teach:

  1. The first three commandments were concerned with God Himself. They taught His people to only worship Him and to use His name rightly. The fourth commandment reminds us of God in His work of creation.
  2. God wanted His people to live with a constant reminder that their God was the Creator of all things. All things came into being by Him, for Him, and for His purpose. All things rightfully belong to Him, even we ourselves.
  3. Also, all that we need in order to live and exist comes from Him. Our health, strength, ability to work, earn money, and buy food all comes from Him. We may "plow and plant," but if God does not send the rain there will be no harvest. He is both our Creator and Sustainer.
  4. God worked for six days to prepare the earth for man. He prepared light, air, land, plants, light bearers, sea life, and animals. After all was prepared God created man. Finally, there was a man upon the earth with God's image and likeness to express Him. Now, on the seventh day, God rested. God did not rest because He was tired, God rested because He was satisfied. What God desired when lie began His work had been attained so lie rested.
  5. After creating Adam on the sixth day God rested from His work. The first thing Adam did after being created was to rest with God and enjoy fellowship with God on the Sabbath. The Sabbath was a day for man and God to be together in rest and fellowship.
  6. When God told man to remember the Sabbath day and to keep it holy He told him how he was to do this: by not working on the Sabbath. Man was not to work for himself on the Sabbath, he was to rest with God. This is healthy for man in many ways. Those who do not honor God or trust in God as their Creator and Sustainer work like slaves seven days a week. They do not allow their body or mind to rest, nor do they remember their Creator or honor Him.
  7. As New Testament believers, although we do not keep the Sabbath, we do remember the Lord Jesus on the first day of the week. (See Lesson 9)