Fighting For The Good Land

Lesson Two

The Two Spies And Rahab Chose God

MEMORY VERSE: Hebrews 11:31 By faith Rahab the harlot did not perish with those who were disobedient, since she had received the spies with peace.
BONUS VERSE: Joshua 2:11b ... for Jehovah your God, He is God in heaven above and upon earth beneath.
  1. Joshua sent two spies to view the land, especially Jericho; and Rahab chose God by cooperating with Him. Joshua chapter 2; Heb. 11:31
    1. The spies came to Rahab's house in Jericho and stayed there
    2. The king of Jericho was told that men came from Israel to search out the country, so the king sent his men to look for the spies. Joshua 2:2
    3. Rahab had faith in God. Joshua 2:9-13
      1. Rahab feared God rather than man (she risked her life to protect the Israelite spies)
      2. Rahab hid the spies on her flat roof under some flax (flax was used to spin linen thread)
      3. She sent away those who came knocking at her door and had been sent by the king of Jericho to find the spies
      4. She wanted to be protected along with her fimily
    4. The two spies cooperated with God and promised protection to Rahab and her family. Joshua 2:14, 17
    5. Rahab let the spies down by a scarlet cord from the window of her house on the wall. Joshua 2:15, 21
    6. There were some conditions for Rahab to be protected. Joshua 2:18-20
      1. She had to put the same scarlet cord in her window as a sign of God's redemption and household salvation.
      2. She and her family needed to stay in her house She could not tell anyone about the spies.
    7. A report was given to Joshua by the two spies after got back. Joshua 2:24
      1. Jehovah had delivered the land into there hands.
      2. The inhabitants were faint and fearfull because of children of Israel.


  1. We can be like Rahab today by choosing to cooperate with God.
  2. When we choose God by cooperating with Him, our whole household and we will be saved.