- Crossing the Jordan River and its significance-Joshua chapters 2-4
- After hearing the good report of the two spies, Israel was now ready to enter and possess the land that Jehovah was giving them - Joshua 2:23-24; Joshua 3:1-17
- The Priests rose up bearing the ark and went before the people
- When they reached the Jordan River Joshua gave Jehovah's charge to the people
- As the Priests' feet touched the brink of Jordan, the waters were blocked a great way off, at the city of Adam, and the river bed was dry so the people could pass over; Jehovah dried up the waters of Jordan and they crossed over
- Jehovah told Joshua to set up a memorial (remembrance) of their crossing the Jordan - Joshua 4:1-24
- One man from each tribe was charged by Joshua to take a stone out of the Jordan from the place the Priests were standing, to be set up as a memorial of their crossing and the beginning of their new life in the promised land, Canaan
- This was a sign to all of the coming generations of the children of Israel
- Then Joshua set up twelve stones in the Jordan River, which became a memorial ending their life of wandering in the Wilderness
- All the peoples of the earth knew that the hand of Jehovah was mighty and that He was with Israel
- By crossing the Jordan River and setting up the stones as a memorial, Israel chose and obeyed God to begin a new life in the good land.
- Today, we also can choose and obey God every day and He will be with us.