Lesson Fourteen

ADULTS (2): 


Burden to Impart:

Children should not only respect their elders (adults), but honor them and be subject to them. They may honor them by politeness and kindness in their attitude, words, and actions. Age and wisdom go together (Prov. 16:31; 20:29) and should be respected by children. A lack of respect and honor to our elders (adults) reveals an improper attitude toward the Lord (see memory verse).

Memory Verse: "You shall rise before the grey headed and honor the presence of an old man, and fear your God: I am the Lord " (Leviticus 19:32).

Facts to Teach:

  1. Children should regard adults and older ones with respect and even honor because they are more experienced and wiser than they are. A child of six years of age knows much more than a one-year-old child; how much more does an adult of thirty or sixty years of age know than a six-year-old child?
  2. Adults and older persons have already passed through childhood and therefore understand it better than a child. They can be a lot of help in solving some of the problems and difficulties children encounter if the children will receive their help.
  3. The adults in the church life have gotten to know the Lord and His ways. Their knowledge and experience of Him and His Word is more precious than gold. Children should not only treat such persons with respect, but even with honor.
  4. Some ways we may show honor to older ones are to:
    1. Be subject to them (1 Pet. 5:5). This includes not talking back to them or arguing. Children should learn to LISTEN and LEARN from older ones, not argue, defend, or raise their voices. Even if the child disagrees he should learn to SUBMIT to the will and way of one who is older (as Jesus did in Luke 2:51).
    2. Rise up before them when you greet them or they come to greet you.,,Mrs
    3. Address them as "Brother" or "Sister" if they are saints, or "Mr." or "Mrs." !f they are not. It is improper for a child to call an adult by their first name; It is even disrespectful to call an elderly person by their first name.
    4. Stand quietly when your parents are speaking to other adults. Only interrupt if NECESSARY, after saying: "Please excuse me."