Lesson Ten
Burden to Impart:
We should be very careful who we choose to be friends with and to spend our time
with. The wrong friends will eventually cause us to speak as they speak and do as
they do. As Paul warned us, "Evil company corrupts good habits" (1 Cor. 15:33).
good friends who fear God and believe in Him, who behave like the Lord's lambs,
will help us to stay out of trouble and to live peacefully and happily as the
Lord's children.
Memory Verse:
"Blessed is the man (child) who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly..." (Psa. 1:1).
Facts to Teach:
- Choosing the right friends is important because we tend to behave like and do the things our friends like to do.
- If your friends are evil and they lie, steal, cheat, fight, and curse (say bad words), you will also eventually do the same.
- If your friends are nice and love the Lord, you will also be a nice person and will also love the Lord.
- Pick friends that behave properly: who do not lie, steal, cheat, fight, or use bad language. The best item of all is to pick a friend who loves the Lord and is trying to live a proper Christian life.
- The best way to pick a friend is to watch him and see how he behaves. Does he behave like a child of the Lord or does he behave like one of Satan's people? Does he behave like a little lamb of the Lord, or does he behave like a goat or a pig?
- Does he tell the truth, or does he lie?
- Does he share, or does he steal?
- Is he fair, or does he cheat?
- Is he friendly, or does he like to fight?
- Does he respect others, or does he curse and speak evil?
- We must run away from ungodly and misbehaving kids that want to be our friends, because if we don't run away, we will eventually lie, steal, cheat, fight, and curse. We will be corrupted and will behave like a goat or a pig.
- Always pick friends that fear God, that believe in God, and if possible, that love God. Do not choose as a friend someone who does not believe in God, that makes fun of believing in the Lord Jesus, that curses the name of Jesus.