Lesson One


Burden to Impart:

In this lesson we see that man is the very center and meaning of all of God's work of creation. God created all things, and apart from Him, nothing was made that was made (John 1:3). The three greatest items of His creation are the heavens, the earth, and man. God firstly created the heavens. The heavens were created for the earth. The heavens were created to contain the earth and to serve the earth (by giving light, heat, rain, etc.). Secondly, God created the earth. The earth was created as a perfect environment for man's existence. Man could not live on any other planet. Lastly, after preparing a whole universe and earth suitable for man's existence and enjoyment, God created His masterpiece, man.

Memory Verse: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1).
Facts to Teach: Scripture reading: Zech. 12:1; Gen. 1:1, 17-18, 27

  1. God firstly created the heavens. His throne is in the heavens (Psa. 103:19), high above all, from which He governs the earth (Dan. 4:26b). The heavens surround the whole earth and look down upon the earth. The heavens are for the earth.
    1. The sun gives light and warmth to the earth during the day.
    2. The moon and stars give light to the earth at night.
  2. When God created the heavens He placed one special planet within them, the earth. God created the earth for man to dwell on. The temperature is just right for man; it is neither too hot nor too cold. There is not too much water or too little. The earth is for man
  3. Lastly, God created man. The first man's name was Adam. Man was created for God. God created man with a physical body. Man's body must be taken care of so he can live for God. Our body needs proper food, rest, exercise, etc. Man also has a heart. Our heart is to love God and to help us obey God. We also have a spirit. Our spirit is an inward part within us that was created te receive and contain God.