Lesson Ten


Burden to Impart:

In this lesson we see some of the differences between man and the animals. All the animals were created for man's enjoyment, food, and service. Some animals therefore were created with the ability to do some things that man cannot do and even some things better than man can do them. God, however, created man as the highest, most intelligent, and best of all the creatures. So God gave man dominion over all the animals of the earth. Man isthe master of the animals, to use them and to take care of them. Therefore there are many things that man can do, that the animals can't do.

Memory Verse: "...Have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every thing that moves on the earth" (Genesis 1:28).
Facts to Teach: (Sripture reading: Gen. 1:28; Psa. 8:6-8)

  1. God created all things for man. The heavens are for the earth, earth is for man, and man is for God. God created the animals for man also.
    1. Animals provide man with food (meat, eggs, milk, cheese ....)
    2. Animals provide man with clothing (furs, gloves, coats, shoes ....
    3. Animals also are friends to man and especially to children. Which ones.
    4. Animals also serve man in many ways. So God Created some animals that can do things we can't do, or that can do some things better than us.
      1. Some animals are stronger than people (ox, donkey, horse, llama, camel, elephant, sled dog...).
      2. Some animals can fly. Which ones?
      3. Some animals can run faster than man. Which ones?
      4. Some animals can live under water. Which ones?
  2. Man however, is the highest and best of all of God's creation. God gave man dominion over all the animals on the earth, the fish of the sea, and the birds of the air (Psa. 8:6-8). Man is their master. Man can do many things the animals cannot do:
    1. Man can speak, read, write, study, plan, foresee, imagine ....
    2. Man can make machines to make up for physical limitations:
      1. Wheelbarrows, cranes, trucks, etc. to carry things.
      2. Bicycles, cars, trains, etc. to move faster.
      3. Airplanes and rockets to fly and go into space.
      4. Scuba gear, submarines, boats, etc. to be l~n water.
    3. Man can contact, know, love, and understand God's heart.
    4. Ask the children for other examples.