Lesson Eleven


Burden to Impart:

In this lesson we see more differences between man and the animals. Man: 1) needs a long time to grow up, 2) as a child needs to be protected, fed, cared for and loved for a very long time, 3) needs other people and can't live alone happily, and 4) has higher feelings (such as the sense of fight and wrong, modesty and shame, regret and repentance).

Memory Verse: "What is man, that Thou dost take thought of him? And the son of man, that Thou dost care for him?" (Psalms 8:4).
Facts to Teach: (Sripture reading: Psa. 8:4-8; 1 Cor. 15:39)

  1. Other differences between man and the animals:
    1. Man lives longer than most animals. (Some, like some turtles, live longer.)
      1. Man takes a lot longer than animals to grow up.
      2. Consider some different ages of responsibility for man:
        1. 16 years old to drive a car
        2. 18 years old to legally leave parents and join the military
        3. 21 years old to vote
        4. In the Old Testament, 25 years old to begin training as a priest
        5. In Old Testament, 30 years of age to serve God as a priest
    2. Man needs to be protected more than the animals.
      1. Man needs complete protection, feeding~ and care by his parents for many years in order to survive, whereas some creatures (frogs, snakes, etc.) do not.
      2. Man especially needs love in order to grow up healthy and happy.
    3. Man needs other people. He can't live alone happily.
      1. Man feels very sadif he is separated from others and is left alone.
      2. Many animals stay together (fish, birds, cattle, sheep, wolves), but they do not seem to need each other as much as man does.
    4. Man has higher feelings than the animals.
      1. Man's sense of right and wrong is very keen and fine. He can sense when his actions are right or wrong, if his words are right or wrong, or even if his own thoughts are good or bad.
      2. Man is able to feel regret and sorrow if he does wrong. He is able to then repent and admit his failure or confess his mistake and say, "I'm sorry."
      3. Man has feelings of modesty and shame. Therefore he needs to wear clothes.
  2. Man however, is the highest and best of all of God's creation. God gave man dominion over all the animals on the earth, the fish of the sea, and the birds of the air (Psa. 8:6-8). Man is their master. Man can do many things the animals cannot do:
    1. Man can speak, read, write, study, plan, foresee, imagine ....
    2. Man can make machines to make up for physical limitations:
      1. Wheelbarrows, cranes, trucks, etc. to carry things.
      2. Bicycles, cars, trains, etc. to move faster.
      3. Airplanes and rockets to fly and go into space.
      4. Scuba gear, submarines, boats, etc. to be l~n water.
    3. Man can contact, know, love, and understand God's heart.
    4. Ask the children for other examples.