Lesson Twelve


Burden to Impart:

In this lesson we see that since God "made from one (Adam) every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth" (Acts 17:26), all men have many stmila~ and are alike in many ways: basic physical features, needs, ways of living, and psychological make up. We may live together happily with others by following the "golden rule" given by the Lord Jesus in Matthew 7:12.

Memory Verse: "Therefore, however you want people to treat you, so treat them" (Matthew 7:12 NAS).
Facts to Teach:

  1. How am I the same as everybody else?
    1. Physically: the same basic features (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hair, etc. Let the children list.)
    2. Same basic needs (food, water, clothing, housing, family, friends)
    3. Same basic way of living (breathing, eating, sleeping, seeing, hearing, speaking, etc.)
    4. Mentally: We all need love, respect, attention, fights of ownership (to have our own things, toys, etc.), and freedom (not always bossed around).

Practical application:

Since we all came from the same great grandparents (Adam and Eve), we have many similarities and share many of the same desires and feelings. We must learn to live together with our fellow men and neighbors. After all, we are all only distant cousins. The easiest rule to follow to live together happily with others is what the Lord Jesus taught us in Matthew 7:12.