Lesson Fourteen


Burden to Impart:

In this lesson we see how God made us physically. He made man with a body, including our head, body (trunk), amt limbs. Our head contains most of our senses- sight, hearing, balance, smell, and taste. By our senses we can perceive the world around us. God also created us with the most wonderful computer ever designed in the universe, our brain. Our brain enables us to interpret and understand all the information our senses provide. Our body was created as a house for us to live in. Also, our body is our servant through which we may serve the Lord.

Memory Verse: "For you were bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body" (1 Corinthians 6:20).
Facts to Teach:

  1. Our human body is a marvelous creation of God. Every part is a small masterpiece. Some doctors spend their whole lifetime to understand just one single part, like the eyes, or one organ, like the heart.
  2. Our body was created by God to be our "house" for us to live in. We live in our body, and our body is a part of us. Also, our body serves us so we can do the things we want to do and so we can serve the Lord and do what He wants us to do.
    1. We live in our body. (It is our "house")
    2. Our body takes us where we want to go. (It is like our bike or car.)
    3. Our body works for us. (It is our servant.)
  3. Our body has three sections: the head, thebody (trunk), and the limbs.
        The head:
        1. The head is the most important part of our body. The most important senses are located in the head:
          1. Sight-in the eyes.
          2. Hearing-in the ears.
          3. Balance-in the ears.
          4. Smell-in the nose.
          5. Taste-in the tongue and mouth.
          Through our senses we can know the world around us. Our senses are able to perceive the things in our environmen4 even some invisible things, such as odor and sound. Our senses are amazingly accurate. (It would be good to give some examples to the children to demonstrate smell detection, hearing perception, and distinction, etc.)
        2. The head contains the brain. The brain is capable of storing so much information that it would take a ten- story building filled with computers to match it. Imagine, a computer the size of a ten-story building reduced to the size of a grapefruit! The brain's main function is to store, interpret, and understand all the information given to it by the senses. Without the brain we could not understand the pictures the eyes see, the sounds the ears hear, etc. We could not think or even live without our brain.