Lesson Sixteen

Burden to Impart:

In this lesson we see how we should take care of our body by cleanliness without and proper eating within. Our body is very precious to God. It is not our own, it belongs to Him. For this reason we should respect our body, treat it properly, and do nothing that would harm or damage it.

Memory Verse: "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit_and you are not your own?" (1 Corinthians 6:19).

Facts to Teach:

  1. Cleanliness: The care of our body begins on the outside. The way we keep our body healthy on the outside is by cleanliness. Some healthy habits to care for our body are:
    1. Wash our hands (especially before eating). Our hands touch all kinds of dirty things and carry many germs. We pick up dirt and germs by touching animals, picking up things off the ground, handhng money, etc. Then when we eat we pick up the food with our hands and get the germs into us. They may make us sick.
    2. We should daily wash the dirt and sweat off our body.
    3. We should take care of our fingernails properly, cleaning under them and cutting them.
    4. We should take care of our hair by combing it properly each day, washing it, and having it cut.
    5. We should take care of our teeth, brushing them at least twice a day to avoid cavities and gum diseases.
  2. Eating: The most important care of our body is on the inside and has to do with eating.
    1. We should try to eat balanced meals. To do this we should not eat a lot of one food (like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches) and almost none of another (like fruits, oranges, etc.). To have a balanced diet we should eat a little of several kinds of different foods.
    2. We should avoid eating "junk food" because it spoils our appetite so that we are not hungry for the nutritious foods at meal times. "Junk foods" are packaged snacks, candies, ice cream, potato chips, etc.
    3. At the table we should have a pleasant atmosphere so that we enjoy our meal. There should be no arguing. (That spoils the appetite.) Also, it should not be too rushed, for then you don't chew properly and will eat too much. Also, you might choke on your food. (Choking is very dangerous, causing death.)
    4. Our parents usually try to serve us a balanced, nutritious meal so we should eat what we are served, not only what we like. We should try new foods. Usually we don't like anything (unless it is very sweet or salty) until we have had it several times.