A Word Concerning How To Use These Lessons
Parents are urged to familiarize themselves with the
material in the appropriate chapter of the book
Basic Revelation of the Holy Scriptures, By Witness Lee,
published by Living stream Ministry in order to gain an adequate vision
from which to impart the material and to equip themselves in order to
answer any questions which (older) children may ask, This includes, of
course, a thorough grounding in the Scriptures referenced in the
chapter cited.
Lesson implementation may be tailored to suit the
ages of the children involved by varying the difficulty of terms and
concepts covered, and by shortening and lengthening the expositions and
Along with the lesson text, certain suggested methods
of presentation have been included (illustrations, "props", charts,
songs). A standard format for every gathering is also suggested: 1.
Welcome 2. Lesson 3. Reinforcement Activity 4. Refreshments. An
"opening song" has been included to assist with the Welcome.
There are two units of a total of thirteen lessons
that are particularly for younger children. With young children, it is
better to present present one story slowly, carefully,
repetitively, and thoroughly, rather than to throw at them a number of
diverse characters and situations in several stories. The point is made
with young children largely via repetition of the same material, even
the same phrasing. As the audience's age rises, the repetition can he
of ideas/underlying themes, as opposed to the wording/phrasing itself,
and more than one story or example at a time can be absorbed by the
With young children, sing songs V-E-R-Y S-L O-W-L-Y
and go over and over them, before attempting to sing all the way
through up to tempo. You can even sing a phrase/line and have them sing
it back to you, line by line, through the entire song.