The Truth and Experience of God’s Salvation

Lesson Eighteen



  1. God’s Salvation
    1. The provision of Christ’s redeeming death on the cross

1.      Justified by His blood is to be accepted by God according to His standard of righteousness – Rom. 3:24; 5:9

Burden to Impart:

Christ’s redeeming death on the cross restored man back to God, provided the means for man’s sins to be forgiven and washed away, and made it possible for all who believe in Christ to be justified before God. We need no longer feel guilty, ashamed, and condemned. Because of Christ’s death and His precious blood, we have been redeemed, forgiven, washed, approved, accepted, and justified! Hallelujah!

Memory Verse: “Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption in Christ Jesus” (Romans 3:24)

Facts to Teach:

Sin brought in many problems to man, causing man to fall away from God and His eternal purpose, creating an offense toward God and defiling man’s conscience and character. Also, sin brought man into condemnation, that is, man was guilty before God and could not be approved or accepted by God. Sinful man was no longer worthy of God or His presence. As a condemned sinner he was awaiting God’s disapproval, rejection, condemnation, and judgment (Rom. 3:19).

All of these problems are solved by the great redemption that Christ accomplished on the cross when He shed His precious blood for us. By the shedding of His blood we were redeemed back to God and became His rightful possession once again, our many sins were all forgiven by God and forgotten forever (Heb. 8: 12), and the stain of defilement in our conscience was cleansed away (Heb. 9:14; 10:22). We became as “white as snow” in God’s sight (Isa. 1:18).

We now needed the reassuring approval of God. We needed a clear declaration that we were acceptable in His sight. This clearance and approval is expressed through God’s “justification.” God did not just secretly forgive our sins; He openly and clearly accepted us, approved us and justified us. This was His way to declare to all the universe that we had no problem with Him and He had no problem with us!

An example of God’s justification of us is seen in the case of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32. The sinful prodigal returned to his father wearing filthy rags. In no way could he be received at his father’s table or be acceptable in his sight. So, the first thing his father did was to cover him with “the best robe” (v. 22). Thus, he was received, accepted, approved and “justified.” In like manner, we are accepted, approved, and justified by God when we believe in His Son, Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and Savior.

We are justified only by our faith in Christ, not by our works. When we have been thus justified we enjoy peace with God.

[See God’s Full Salvation, Lesson 13, Living Stream Ministry.]